The Flame Bowerbird (Sericulus aureus)

The flame bowerbird is a rainforest bird distributed in and endemic to rainforests of Papua New Guinea. It is one of the most brilliantly colored bowerbirds. This bird is the first bowerbird described by naturalists, due to male's exquisitely colored plumage. The Flame Bowerbirds named after the elaborate structures, or bowers, built and decorated with colorful objects by the males, bowerbirds have one of the most exclusive courtship rituals in the animal kingdom.

However, it was earlier thought to be a bird of paradise. Indeed, the male flame bowerbird also has a courtship display along with his bower, and he twists his tails and his wings to the side, and then shakes his head rapidly. The Flame Bowerbird is a medium sized bird, measure upto 25 cm long, with flame orange and golden yellow plumage with elongated neck plumes and yellow-tipped black tail. It builds an "avenue-type" bower with two side walls of sticks.

However, the female bird is an olive brown bird with yellow or golden below. The courtship behavior of the flame bowerbird was filmed by Japanese photographer Tadashi Shimada in Dancers on Fire, a documentary that aired on the Smithsonian Channel. Although the male appeared to court females twice, no successful mating was filmed as the female moved away when the male mounted. However, Shimada filmed other strange behavior, such as a male courting a juvenile male and numerous juvenile males as well as an adult male appearing to share one bower, only to be destroyed by another juvenile male. The bird habitats is lowland and montane rainforest and adjacent second growth, occurs from lowlands up to 1400m, aureus mainly at 850 - 1400m.

The Flame Bowrbirds diet is little known certainly includes fruits and insects. Forages singly or in small groups, also with other fruit-eating species like Vogelkop Bowerbird. The display season starts August to November, when male builds and attends a bower to attract females. They build a nest alone and also breed alone.The bower is a so-called avenue bower built with sticks. It's about 23cm long, 16cm wide and 19cm high. It's decorated with purple, blue and brown fruits, flowers, snail-shells and leaves. The male performs a dance to attract the female to the bower.

There’re two different subspecies, sometimes considered full species: Sericulus aureus ardens (flame bowerbird), from south-western New Guinea, with orange-faced male -Sericulus aureus aureus (masked bowerbird), the nominate form of north-western New Guinea, with black-faced and black-throated male. The flame bowerbird is assessed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

White-Crested Laughingthrush

The eye-catching White crested Laughingthrush ((Garrulax leucolophus) is a member of the Leiothrichidae family. This bird is mostly found in forest and scrub from the Himalayan foothills to Indochina, broadleaf evergreen forest and mixed deciduous forest, disturbed, secondary and regenerating forest. However, the White-crested Laughingthrush is not indigenous to Singapore. A charismatic “cute’-looking bird” usually moving in flocks ranging from pairs to noisy gangs of eight, has mostly chestnut-brown upperparts, a white head and breast with a protuberant white crest that sometimes appears a dirty grey due to the accumulation of dust, as well as a broad black stripe running from the lores across the eye to the ear coverts.

The bird is formerly included the Sumatran laughingthrush as a subspecies, but nothing like that species the plumage of the white-crested laughingthrush is rufescent-brown and white, and the black mask is relatively broad. In Thailand it is an introduced as a cage bird and somehow escaped and from a sustainable population. Moreover, it has become well established since 1995, and its population has increased, can be commonly encountered in many locations. This species has an extremely large range, and hence does not approach the thresholds for Vulnerable under the range size criterion, hence not under threat and least concern. However, the population is suspected to be in decline owing to ongoing habitat destruction and fragmentation.

Somewhere between March to August White-crested Laughing Thrushes form close bonds during the breeding season. The bird habitually builds a wide, shallow nest at least six feet off the ground, normally constructed of bamboo leaves. The birds lays 3 to 5 eggs incubate for a short period of 15 days, letting White-crested Laughing Thrushes to generally produce at least two clutches of young each year. In order to be successful, the parents enlist support. The White-crested Laughing Thrushes rely on older offspring those hatched earlier in the season to support feed and defend the youngest members of the family.

White-crested Laughing Thrushes are noisy, social birds who sporadically burst into loud calls that sound just like laughter. White-crested Laughing Thrushes are an incredibly social species native to the teak and bamboo-covered foothills of the Himalayan Moutains.