ROLLER in Spain

 Roller Coracius garrulus, from mid-April to Sep in the Roller winters of Spain in the Afrotropical region. It is a lowland species, favoring open, sunny habitats (steppes and meadows) with scattered, mature trees. It breeds in sandy banks, in walls, and in nest-holes of the Green Woodpecker, although it will also accept suitable nest-boxes. It avoids intensively cultivated areas.

Birds hunt from open perches on trees, posts, and overhead wires overlooking sparsely vegetated ground which provides little cover for prey. In the province of Lleida there are fewer than 100 pairs of Rollers, although this represents the great majority of the Catalan population of the 133 species. It appears that parts of Aragón, especially the southern part of Huesca, were colonized by the neighboring population in Lleida around the year 1980 and that the species is still spreading in some parts of the Ebro valley.

1)   Ballobar-Candasnos-Ontiñena: the best areas to search are just to the north of the junction of the Candasnos-Ontiñena road with that of Ballobar, mainly to the west of the road, as well as the pseudosteppe a few kilometers to the east of the village of Candasnos, on the higher ground on either side of the N-II. The species also occurs on either side of the N-II between Bar Ventorrillo and Ventas del Rey, to the west of Fraga.

2)      Balaguer Drylands: Rollers inhabit areas bordering the River Farfanya between Castelló de Farfanya and Menàrguens. From Balaguer head towards Menàrguens on the C-12 (LV-9224) and just after the first entrance to the village of Menàrguens turn right onto a wide track following the course of the River Farfanya, signposted to Castelló de Farfanya. Pay attention to the clumps of trees here and there along the river’s edge. The first 4kms are the best.

3)      Alfés Drylands: several pairs of Rollers can be found in the area immediately to the east of the village of Alfés on both sides of the River Set, to the north of the road between Alfés and Aspa. The species may also be encountered to the east of the LV-7021 between Aspa and Artesa de Lleida. Rollers also occur further south, between Alcanó and Sarroca - the best area is along the track that runs southwest from the edge of Alcanó village towards Sarroca.

4)      Belianes Drylands: the area to the east of the LP-2015 between Preixana and Sant Martí de Maldà is currently a very good one for Rollers, but its future as such looks bleak because of plans to irrigate the remaining drylands.

5)      5) Aiguamolls Natural Park: some of the 6-7 pairs of Rollers breeding in the park can normally be seen from the path that leads to the hide at Vilaüt and at the Closes de Mornau, as well as at the Cortalet meadows. Rollers are also present in the area between Berbegal and Barbastro, in the province of Huesca.

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